
Coconut Octopus in Lembeh Straits

Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) use coconut shells (or other objects) as a mobile home.

Coconut Octopus in Lembeh Straits

Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) use coconut shells (or other objects) as a mobile home.
Filmed at Lembeh strait in Indonesia, diving with NAD lembeh resort.

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Cairns Underwater Film Festival 2013

My short film “Highlights of 2012 – Aquatic Daydream” (released december last year) screened at the Cairns Underwater Film Festival 2013 (24th August) with other amazing entries.

My short film “Highlights of 2012 – Aquatic Daydream” (released december last year) screened at the Cairns Underwater Film Festival 2013 (24th August) with other amazing entries. CUFF is non-profit event and this year they raised AUD $20,000 which was donated to local marine research, rehabilitation projects. You can find more detail on CUFF website.

Cairns Underwater Film Festival 2013

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Yellow Pygmy Goby

Pair of yellow pygmy-goby
Pair of yellow pygmy-goby (Lubricogobius exiguus).
Canon 7D, 100mm, f/18, 1/250sec, iso 160

Yellow Pygmy Goby (Lubricogobius exiguus) is a small bright yellow color goby.  Normally under 3cm (approx 1.5cm in this photo) long, living in holes, bottle or can. Usually found in pairs.

Pair of yellow pygmy-goby
Cute Yellow Goby Yawning.
Canon 7D, 100mm, f/32, 1/250sec, iso 160

Images taken at dive site around coastal area of Dauin in Negros Oriental, Philippines.

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