San Diego Undersea Film Exhibition 2013

One of my underwater video will screen at the 14th annual ”2013 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition (SDUFEX)”

SDUFEX Poster_0313

One of my underwater video will screen at the 14th annual “2013 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition (SDUFEX)”, October 11- 12 at Qualcomm Hall with other amazing official selection films. Enjoy underwater films on a big theatre screen!

You can find the program schedule and other detail on SDUFEX website.

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Crab and Lobster – Small Sea Creatures Part 1

Beautiful decorator crab on sea urchin

Small and tiny crabs and lobsters(these beautiful creatures are only few mm to cm).
I add caption (common name and size) but some of them I couldn’t find ID (If somebody can IDing, please let me know).

1:36 unknown (5mm)
2:59 unknown (2~3cm)
3:09 unknown (3~5mm)

Filmed at various dive sites in Indonesia and Philippines.
Canon 7D, 5D Mark III, 60/100mm lens.

Squat Lobster Feeding

Usually this small (less then cm) squat lobster (galathea sp.) is not colorful photogenic subject but very interesting to watch that how they are grabbing food & feeding in video.
Filmed in Lembeh strait, North sulawesi, Indonesia.
Canon 7D, 100mm.

1cm도 되지 않는 이 작은 squat lobster (galathea sp.)는 보통 그다지 사진 촬영에 어울리는 화려한 포토제닉은 아닌듯 합니다. 하지만 접사 비디오로 촬영 해 보니 먹이 활동을 하는 모습이 정말 재미있습니다. 인도네시아, 렘베에서 캐논 7D, 100mm 렌즈로 촬영하였습니다.

Lizardfish Getting Cleaned By Shrimp

It was interesting to watch lizardfish “Holding his breath” for the cleaner shrimp, then “hyperventilate”. ;)
Filmed at Nudi Falls dive site in Lembeh strait, North sulawesi, Indonesia.
Canon 7D, 100mm in Nauticam housing.

리자드피쉬가 새우에게 청소 받고 있는 장면입니다. 리자드피쉬가 숨을 멈추고 새우가 아가미와 입으로 들어가 청소를 하도록 했다가 밖으로 나오면 숨을 가쁘게 쉬는 것이 재미있습니다. 인도네시아, 렘베, Nudi Falls 포인트에서 촬영하였습니다.
캐논 7D, 100mm 렌즈