Canon 10-22mm vs Sigma 8-16mm FOV comparison

Simple FOV comparison between Canon 10-22mm (rectilinear) & Sigma 8-16mm (rectilinear) & Tokina 10-17mm (fisheye). All image shot with a Canon 70D (APS-C) on tripod.

Canon 10-22mm at 10mm
Canon 10-22mm at 10mm
Sigma 8-16mm at 8mm
Sigma 8-16mm at 8mm
Tokina 10-17mm at 10mm
Tokina 10-17mm at 10mm
Canon 10-22mm at 22mm
Canon 10-22mm at 22mm
Sigma 8-16mm at 16mm
Sigma 8-16mm at 16mm
Tokina 10-17mm at 17mm
Tokina 10-17mm at 17mm

Canon 10-22 at 10mm vs Sigma 8-16 at 8mm (Hover your mouse over the image to see the different image).

Canon 10-22 at 10mm vs Sigma 8-16 at 8mm

Samsung Galaxy Camera Underwater Video – 삼성 갤럭시 카메라 수중 비디오

Galaxy Underwater Sample

Underwater video compilation shot on Samsung Galaxy Camera.
Filmed at various dive site at Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
Underwater housing made by Aquako.
Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera Underwater Video – 삼성 갤럭시 카메라 수중 비디오”

Samsung Galaxy NX – 삼성 갤럭시 NX 홍보용 수중 영상

Samsung Galaxy NX – 삼성 갤럭시 NX 홍보용 수중 영상을 2013년에 팔라우, 바하마, 미국 플로리다등에서 촬영하였습니다. 이 영상들은 미국 라스베가스에서 열린 CES2014 전시회에서 활용 되었습니다. 좀 다 자세한 내용은 링크를 참고.

Nauticam SMC vs SubSee

Nauticam SMC and SubSee
Nauticam SMC (Super Macro Conveter) & flip add-on multiplier (left) / SubSee +10 & +5 (right)

This is simple magnification comparison between Nauticam SMC (Super Macro Converter) vs SubSee +10 and +5
(Please note, this is only a magnification test,  not a IQ or sharpness test).
All images shot on Canon 5D Mark III with a 100mm IS L macro lens (focus locked at maximum magnification).

100mm without diopter
100mm without diopter
100mm + SMC (left) / 100mm + SubSee +10 (right)
100mm + SMC (left) / 100mm + SubSee +10 (right)
SMC + Multiplier (left) vs SubSee +10 & +5 stacked (right)
SMC + Multiplier (left) vs SubSee +10 & +5 stacked (right)

More images with SMC :