
Southern Atolls, Maldives Part 1

Marine life of the Southern Atolls in Maldives Part1.

Eunjae Im

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  • Love your footage. A couple of questions. Were all of your 70D shots autofocus? With the GH4 were all of your shots autofocus, except for maybe the macros? What lenses did you use for the GH4?

    • Hi Geoffrey,
      I assigned AF-ON button as a AF-STOP for temporary stop the servo AF during the recording If I needed with 70D.
      I have Panasonic 8mm FE & 7-14mm, Olympus 60mm for GH4.

  • Amazing!!! I love your VDO

    How can you make a TimeLapes with your CANON 70D underwater?
    Thank you

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