바하마 타이거 비치 – 상어 다이빙

2013년도에 촬영한 바하마 상어들입니다. 타이거, 리프, 너스, 레몬샥을 비롯해 다양한 상어들을 깨끗한 수중 시야에서 촬영할 수 있는 곳입니다.

상어는 아직도 무지한 언론이나 영화 같은 곳에서 무서운 존재로 만들고 있는데 절대 그렇지 않고 사실 상어의 최대 천적은 바로 인간입니다. https://sharksavers.kr/

Sharks are in danger

Shark fin soup is cruel and wasteful. Fins removed, the animals are thrown back into the water to die slowly and painfully.

Dried shark fin
Dried shark fin in shipping container which just arrived in Busan port from Hong Kong

“Shark fin soup is cruel and wasteful. Fins removed, the animals are thrown back into the water to die slowly and painfully.

Finning is not only inhumane; it allows sharks to be caught in unsustainable numbers. Apex predators, sharks play an essential role in marine ecosystems. Shark finning endangers their survival—and that of the species that rely on them. In addition, shark fin has been shown to contain dangerous levels of mercury.” – Quote from Humane Society International article.

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